Part 5: 04/21/09 - 04/24/09

Today is a very important day...

This is nice and all, but what makes today so important?

This train be off the rails at long last! We've finally got the freedom to do whatever we want during downtime. Hurray!
...There's not much we can do today, though. That'll very quickly change, but we'll deal with that when we can. Same with looking around the school proper. For now, let's just leave and see what we find.

And what we find... is a cutscene. Great.

Normally I'd truncate this and combine the latter 2 into one image like before, but that heart icon over Junpei's head is kind of hilarious I dunno.

> Akihiko asked you to meet him at the Paulownia Mall police station...
> You decide to head over there...
Fortunately, we're not forced there immediately so we can do something else first.

Namely, talk to this guy. We'll probably be seeing him around a lot. Call it a bit of a hunch, there.

We could try and do other things, but we're sort of not allowed ( time...) and it's a good idea to get this out of the way quicker anyway.

So, Kurosawa here runs the Weapon/Armor store out of the Police Station.

We can buy an upgrade for anyone/everyone if we have the funds but thats 9600 Yen for the weapons alone and we'd have 8000 flat if I didn't buy soda so...

Instead, I'm just not gonna buy anything right now. They're all upgrades across the board, sure, but we can get anything he sells for free in Tartarus and we can find BETTER stuff in general too.

> Junpei has left.
So, NOW we have actual real free time. Finally.

Since we're already here, we might as well look around the mall a bit first.

Since Kurosawa won't sell accessories, we need to find somewhere else to buy them. Fortunately that's next door! I do appreciate here how the HP/SP increases are proportional and not what they do in later games when it's just "oh this thing gives you a whole 10 points of SP!" or whatever.
That said the other stat boosters are just +1 and that's real bad so whatever.

...Honestly, for the most part I kind of forget that the actual stores in the mall exist after a while.

Speaking of forgetting, every shopkeeper has normal dialogue too but it's not exciting or anything. Kurosawa just tells us his "store" is only open during the day, for example.

I guess since we're going clockwise, we'll finish off that way too. Gonna make a note of this to come back in about 2 months when it's open.

...So, basically, there's no point to shopping at the Pharmacy when it's not a Saturday. Gotcha.

Being a Pharmacy, it sells restoratives... and hoity-toity cat food.
I dunno, I just love that this is here and it describes the cat food as being snobbish.

Nothing else in the mall worth our time right now (sadly

For sensible reasons, it drops us off at the train station but that's not why we're here!

No, off-screen to the south-west we can find a path to the strip mall here. We've seen it twice already so we have an idea of what's out here. I'm sure we'll see what's in all these stores later but for now..

I feel like grabbing a cheap and easy snack. It's only 400 yen so the Chairman's paid for this already, if you think about it.

It's weird because it doesn't have octopus in it. At all. I would think that means it isn't even takoyaki but I guess I'm wrong.

Moving swiftly on, we'll head over to the other station. This is a small area with one important thing in it.

This guy right here.

It shows movies on a bit of a rotation with each one increasing a social stat. This is our first chance to boost Courage and it only costs 1500 yen!

It does use up our afternoon free time but that's okay. There's not really much else we COULD do with it anyway.

More important is that since right now our Charm and Academics are at 4 and our Courage is at 0 it might seem like it has a bit of catching up to do.

It's already done so. The movie theatre is a pretty nice bonus for social stats since it IS a +4 gain. It's just... not actually worth using outside of the really early stuff because we have better things to spend time on soon enough.

Simply put: we can leave on an Evening now.
But first...

Investigators are facing a difficult case, since there were no witnesses. This is the 12th instance of the mysterious incident. A team of investigators is working hard to track down any leads.

Welp, no point in hanging around the dorm if we don't have to. We COULD go to Tartarus right away but I'll give it a bit of time first.

Our nighttime exploration options are even more limited than normal. I guess we'll be spending a lot of time in the mall.

So, there's a thing back here that I skipped over earlier since I didn't think it'd be relevant right now. It still isn't, but let's just get it out of the way now.

It's the door to the Velvet Room! This will prove pretty dang handy to have quick access to later, since this is the only spot it turns up in outside of Tartarus.

We could fuse Orpheua and Pixie but right now that wouldn't be the best idea. So, we'll just leave for now...

And check out the Arcade. We're gonna be spending a lot of money and time here, for a simple reason.

Every day, there are two different game available. We're gonna be focusing on the more expensive one almost exclusively.

So, for today we'll be checking out the, uh, Haunted House I guess.

Mainly because it gives us a Courage boost. We want to get as much Courage as possible in as short a time as possible, so...

Provided we don't go to Tartarus, we can spend extra night time Studying if we really want to.

Needless to say, yes, we're going to study here very often. There's little reason not to, really.

It's an easy and consistent Academics increase, after all.

Although, sometimes this happens which is a good thing in itself. I just wish it happened later than the first possible day...

Because it lasts through to Wednesday and that's not a good thing but only in this particular instance.

You keep saying that, Kenji. I think you do care.

> It's the classmate you were talking to earlier this morning...

> You accepted your classmate's offer.

Super unsubtle ulterior motive... makes sense here, really.
> You have decided to go with him.

Even in 2009, huh? I guess there really is nothing new under the sun. Hopefully Kenji is going to end up being more likable than most people with this mindset...

> Kenji seems to like you...
> You have become friends with Kenji.

> A mysterious voice rings in your head...

Well, I guess today could've been used less productively...

> You decided to return to the dorm.

Mitsuru remains so consistently bad at tutorials in this instance she outright got it wrong. Good job, Mitsuru.

Right, so we're currently Tired from getting a bad RNG when Studying. It happens. Since we can only check our own status easily (because while it makes sense in terms of plot, Persona 3 is a mechanical pain in the ass), Mitsuru exists to at least make this part somewhat easier. Bascally, we could talk to everyone separately when in Tartarus or we could talk to Mitsuru. One of these is the better option, yes.
But we're not checking stats since we've only been in Tartarus once and that was a tutorial and so it didn't even count anyway. We're just going to normally Talk.

And not just because Yukari has low Strength. Though that doesn't help.
No, see, ranged attacks don't have a penalty for missing so they deal shit damage AND miss constantly because of their massively reduced accuracy (12% miss rate is a lot). Balancing!

...Moving ever so swiftly on.

The man has regained consciousness, but due to his condition, has been unable to speak. Police are awaiting the man's recovery before questioning him. And that's the news for today.

Well, there's no reason to stay in the dorm at Night. Being Tired doesn't mean anything out here, so we'll be going to the mall every night except when we go to Tartarus for obvious reasons.

Although, today we're not playing arcade games. Instead, we're checking out the place with the empty orchestra sign.

800 yen is relatively cheap for what this does, really.

Even without the arcade machine, there are ways in the mall to increase Courage and Charm which is nice.

There's basically no reason to not study so...!

...Well, okay there is this. Since we're Tired, we can't actually get anything out of studying right now. This was just a waste of time, really.

And now we're no longer tired, and that's a bad thing right now. It ISN'T bad normally but there's something special you can do in a bad condition at school.

Listening: You're talking about the Apathy Syndrome, right? My neighbor has that... He grosses me out. Sometimes I think I might have it too, and it depresses me.
Gossiping: Maybe you just need some exercise.

> The first bell has rung.

We could go and join a school club right now, or we could, uh, not.

Kenji's right here and though I don't exactly like it, he did tease us with something of maybe interest. Plus he's a Social Link and we probably should deal with those.

We can still decide to not spend time with him though, or we can get reminded what our rank is. Which is also in the menu, so that's just pointless here.
...Still, we've got no real reason to bail.

> Contrary to its simple appearance, the soup has a complex flavor that is accentuated by the noodles.

So, a lot of dialogue choices in most S.Link scenes matter. They affect how quickly you'll reach the next rank, which is kind of important for a couple reasons. We'll get to those when we get to those though.

Anyway, so, the music note from before is how you know you picked "right" and this one is a clear sign of choosing the "wrong" option. In this instance, it doesn't even matter though. You need 1 point to get Kenji up from here and getting either one correct gives 5 points (7 if you use a semi-hidden mechanic).

...On the one hand, I so want no part of anything that's going to happen from here. On the other hand, I cannot wait to see (and most likely laugh at) everything that happens out of this.

> Kenji told you his secret plan...
> Your relationship is stronger now!

And this scene plays every single time we get a rank up in the S.Link it's dumb. I'm just gonna cut it out from now on, honestly.

> Your power to create Personas of the Magician Arcana has grown!
It's not like you're going to forget who represents which Arcana anyway.

> You decide to return to the dorm.

...Y'know, I do wonder if Junpei knows about Kenji's "secret plan" or not. He has to, right?

Understatement, yes.

Eh, there's no need to go to Tartarus just yet. We'll be fine if we leave it a couple days more.

Among others, though since we're only like level 3 you don't know that yet I guess.

I'd have thought those two things would be the other way around, but whatever.

Hey guys, do you maybe get it yet? There are mechanical differences between weapons! And not just the fact that there are three different Physical elements!

Our next story is about the release of the spring carp. Over 10,000 were released into the river this year. The next carp-release ceremony will be held in June.
As interesting as carp is, let's see... today is Thursday, so that means...

Karaoke, I guess. Let that Courage sour ever-higher!

And then late night studying for good measure. Academics is slowly, slowly creeping up to where we're going to want it.

Don't worry, I have a stupid plan for certain things in mind anyway.

Gossiping: I got seriously hooked on that punching game.

Yeah, so, uh, the games that I'm not bothering with at the arcade don't increase Social stats. They increase your actual Stats.
Listening: That's at Paulownia Mall, right? Game Panic has a good selection, but it's always packed.

Gossiping: Oh, really? Let's go see what cabs are open today.
Gossiping: That is... if you can spot me some change.
Listening: No way! You still owe me for that game of Super Neo all the way back in 2003!
> The first bell has rung.

So, this is probably the first and last time we'll see this here. I'll see it a lot though...

> Maybe you should talk to him after school...
Maybe, yeah. This scene just means he's going to rank up if we hang out with him. If this scene plays, that's definitely going to happen but the reverse is not necessarily true. It should be obvious why I'm going to skip this whenever it plays in the future.

Anyway, we COULD hang out with Kenji again but we're sure not gonna today.

We're not really going to check out much of the school, but there's one specific area we're heading to.

...First though, I see someone we didn't do anything with yesterday.

This isn't exactly the only NPC mini-threadline but it's the one that exists right now.

But what I do know is that we're off through this door next to the bulletin board that we couldn't before.

Huh, that's a little too specifically odd. Wonder if it'll come up again.

We're going to be going through this fire exit, but those stairs there? Lead to our classroom, basically. We could've come down there and be done quicker, but then we'd miss out on Creepy Stalker and... whatever is going on with the home ec class.

Out through the fire exit, there's this... tree. That really does stand out, alright.

And since this is a Japanese high school, this path also leads to the Gym.

From here, we can pick which sports club we join. Track is the door dead ahead, swimming is to the left and kendo is to the right.
Now, let's see...
Kendo: ||||||||||||||||
Swim: ||||
Track: |||||

...That might be one of the most Japanese sentences I have ever seen in an official English release of a thing, wow. See, basically, just referring to someone by their first name is either a signifier of closeness or that you're absurdly ridiculously rude. Yuko's cool though, so she don't mind which is nice I guess.

> You have made friends with Kazushi...
> You joined the Kendo Team and befriended your new teammates.

> After looking around, you decided to go back to the dorm.

We'll leave Tartarus be for the moment, of course. Before we consider doing anything else...

Our next story is about a strange animal from overseas.

The platypus, an animal native to Australia, is an egg-laying mammal. And behind the male playpus' feet are poisonous spurs! What a strange animal!
...Why is "hey guys, platypi exist!" a PS2 Persona running joke? It's here and it was a big deal in Persona 4 for no apparent reason. I don't get it.

So, we can't go to Karaoke right now. That's fine. Let's see...

Okay, good, the arcade has what we want. But we can't afford it. Hrm. Gotta flip some of this stuff from our first Tartarus run I guess.

It's worth it though. Because not only does this give us a Courage boost...

It pushes our Courage up to Rank 2 already! We can do something with this in the future now!

Academics is just a tedious, long grind that isn't even close to rank 2 yet...
Plus we're out of money now. I guess we should go to Tartarus tomorrow.